Agatha Christie
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Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: LITERA
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An aparitie: 2018
Numar Pagini: 400
Tip Coperta: Cartonata
Format: 107 x 177
ISBN: 978-606-33-2410-9
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: LITERA
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Cand Tommy si Tuppence o viziteaza pe batrana lor matusa intr-un azil de batrani, nu dau atentie prea mare nici motivelor ei de suparare, nici pacientei care se plange ca a fost otravita. La urma urmelor, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: LITERA
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Cora este ucisa cu brutalitate la o zi dupa inmormantarea fratelui ei, Richard. Remarca facuta de ea cu o zi inainte, la citirea testamentului, capata o semnificatie infioratoare. Cora fusese auzita de » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: LITERA
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Linnet Ridgeway a dus pana acum o viata ca-n povesti. Binecuvantata cu frumusete, o avere enorma si un sot devotat, are tot ce ti-ai putea dori. Dar, atunci cand proaspatul cuplu pleaca intr-o croaziera » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: LITERA
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Un afacerist american gasit mort intr-un compartiment inchis pe dinauntru din luxosul Orient Express, douasprezece lovituri de cutit si doisprezece calatori, toti suspecti. De data aceasta insa, victima, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: BLACK CAT
A murder is discovered on the Orient Express, just as snow stops the train in the mountains for days. There is a killer on board – but who is it? World-famous detective Hercule Poirot promises to find » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: BLACK CAT
Linnet Doyle has everything: beauty, money… and her best friend’s fiancé. But Linnet’s honeymoon cruise down the Nile River turns into a nightmare when one of the passengers is found murdered. Hercule » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: BLACK CAT
World-famous detective Hercule Poirot was looking forward to a quiet life in the English village of King’s Abbot. But every village has secrets, and when his friend Roger Ackroyd is killed, Poirot must » ...mai mult
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Autor(i): Agatha Christie
Editura: BLACK CAT
Ten strangers are invited to a beautiful house on Soldier Island. Then one of them is murdered. They learn that they cannot leave the island, and nobody is as innocent as they seem. They are all in danger » ...mai mult
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