Rachel Firth
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Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: METEOR PRESS - 2013
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O carte tulburatoare, destinul cu totul aparte al unui tanar englez care incearca sa-si regaseasca familia, despartita odata cu ocuparea Poloniei de nazisti si sovietici in 1939.
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Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: PANDORA-M - 2016
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Iulius Cezar face parte din seria Istoria pe intelesul copiilor, care combina povestile captivante cu texte usor de citit. Seria a fost creata cu ajutorul lui Alison Kelly, lector la Universitatea Roehampton. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Rachel Firth „Shakespeare sticker book" de la editura USBORNE A brilliant introduction to the most famous characters from Shakespeares plays, with over 170 reusable costume stickers » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE
Takes beginner readers on a trip back to medieval times to learn what it was like to be a knight and live in a castle, finding out how they fought and what they did for fun. Includes short biographies » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE
On a clear night, thousands of stars can be seen in the sky - but they are just a tiny part of what’s out in space. This book shows young readers how to discover some of the amazing things that are out » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE
Why do things float? How do magnets work? What is gravity? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this fact-filled book.
Simple, easy-to-read text and lively illustrations introduce basic » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE
Spanning the life of the great leader from his teens to his brutal assassination, and featuring events such as Caesar’s capture by pirates as a young man, his military successes across Europe, encounters » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Rachel Firth
Editura: USBORNE
Why do things float? How do magnets work? What is gravity? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this fact-filled book.
Simple, easy-to-read text and lively illustrations introduce basic » ...mai mult
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