Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Three-Volume Set Volume 1-3
PRP: 3675,00 lei
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Preț: 3601,50 lei
Diferență: 73,50 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
Autor: Haith M.Marshall
Anul publicării: 2008
Key Features
Cutting edge content will encompass the period of time from neo-nates to age three
Award-winning Editors-in-Chief to ensure authoritative quality
Organized alphabetically by topic for ease of reference
Each article will include a glossary defining any unique terms
Suggested readings at the end of each article provide a resource for additional information
Extensively cross-referenced within the work to enable reader access to full and relevant information related to their interests
Online availability via ScienceDirect platform
Related Links and Downloads
ScienceDirect - Available Online via ScienceDirect
Infancy is a unique period, in that at no other state is there greater growth and development. During this time, growth is occurring at a physical level, but equally impressive are the socio-emotional and cognitive developments during this time. Genetics, the womb environment, and the physical environment after birth all combine to impact the rate and manner of growth. Who we ultimately become as individuals begins here. Intended for university and public libraries, the Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development is the major reference work that provides a comprehensive entry point into all of the existing literature on child development from the fields of psychology, genetics, neuroscience, and sociology. The scope of this work is to understand the developmental changes, when they occur, why they occur, how they occur, and those factors that influence that development. Although some medical information is included, the emphasis is on normal growth and is primarily from a psychological perspective.
Editura: Academic Press
Anul: 2008
Editia: 1
Pagini: 2200
Cutting edge content will encompass the period of time from neo-nates to age three
Award-winning Editors-in-Chief to ensure authoritative quality
Organized alphabetically by topic for ease of reference
Each article will include a glossary defining any unique terms
Suggested readings at the end of each article provide a resource for additional information
Extensively cross-referenced within the work to enable reader access to full and relevant information related to their interests
Online availability via ScienceDirect platform
Related Links and Downloads
ScienceDirect - Available Online via ScienceDirect
Infancy is a unique period, in that at no other state is there greater growth and development. During this time, growth is occurring at a physical level, but equally impressive are the socio-emotional and cognitive developments during this time. Genetics, the womb environment, and the physical environment after birth all combine to impact the rate and manner of growth. Who we ultimately become as individuals begins here. Intended for university and public libraries, the Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development is the major reference work that provides a comprehensive entry point into all of the existing literature on child development from the fields of psychology, genetics, neuroscience, and sociology. The scope of this work is to understand the developmental changes, when they occur, why they occur, how they occur, and those factors that influence that development. Although some medical information is included, the emphasis is on normal growth and is primarily from a psychological perspective.
Editura: Academic Press
Anul: 2008
Editia: 1
Pagini: 2200
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