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NorthStar Listening & Speaking 2 with Interactive Student Book and MyEnglishLab

Cartea autorului Laurie L. Frazier „NorthStar Listening & Speaking 2 with Interactive Student Book and MyEnglishLab" de la editura LONGMAN
The new and improved Listening and Speaking strand now offers an Interactive Student Book powered by MyEnglishLab. The Interactive Student Book allows students and teachers to better assess progress. Teachers can now monitor student performance to personalize learning and increase student motivation. The five-level NorthStar series engages students through a seamless integration of compelling online content and empowers them to achieve their academic and personal goals in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
- Current and thought-provoking listening selections from a variety of contrasting authentic genres stimulate students intellectually. Authentic content engages students, links them to language use outside the classroom, and encourages critical thinking and personal expression. - Explicit language skills are reinforced and practiced using models from the unit listening selections, while the pronunciation and speaking skill selections expose students to the sounds and patterns of English to prepare them to express their ideas on a higher level. - Productive vocabulary and grammar structures are targeted, reviewed, practiced, and expanded upon for the final speaking task. - Group projects inspire students to inquire further and prepare students to engage in real-world activities. The projects incorporate Internet research, helping students build digital literacy skills. - A variety of online assessments tied to learning outcomes allows teachers to individualize instruction and track student progress. - Teacher Resources in MyEnglishLab include the scope and sequence, digital student book, downloadable achievement tests, classroom audio, audioscripts, video activities, videoscripts, teachers manual, answer keys, and a downloadable placement test.
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ISBN: 0134280814
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