Povesti de adormit printese - Bedtime stories for little princesses - Editie bilingva Romana si Engleza de Iulia Badea Gueritee

Cartea autorului Iulia Badea Gueritee „Povesti de adormit printese - Bedtime stories for little princesses - Editie bilingva Romana si Engleza de Iulia Badea Gueritee" de la editura LIBRIS EDITORIAL
10 povesti bilingve (limba romana-engleza), insotite de minunate ilustratii color
Jurnalist franco-roman si apoi functionar european, dar mai ales un cetatean al lumii, Iulia Badea-Gueritee a plecat candva din Brasov pentru a locui la Paris. Scrie articole pentru cei care o citesc, carti pentru cei care vor sa o descopere („Serendipity", la editura Libris, „Dialogul religiilor in Europa unita", co-autor cu Alexandru Ojica, la editura Adenium).
- The tale of the little princess who wanted to fly
Povestea printesei care voia sa zboare
- The tale of the little dragon who couldn't breathe fire
Povestea dragonului care nu stia cum sa scuipe flacari
- The tale of the little dragon who wouldn't eat salad
Povestea micului dragon care nu voia sa manance salata
- The tale of the little princess who wanted to leave tulips for her mother
Povestea micutei printese care voia sa-i aduca lalele mamei sale
- The tale of the little dragon who wouldn't go to school
Povestea micului dragon care nu voia sa mearga la scoala
Fagment din cartea de povesti:
"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a little dragon who wouldn’t eat salad. He would eat almost anything, which made Mother Dragon very happy, except for salad, which made her very sad. She tried and tried to make him see that salad was good for him and would help him grow. But still he wouldn’t. One day, Little Dragon came home from school looking very sad (just like Mother Dragon).
„What’s up Little Dragon?” she asked.
„Well, Teacher took us out to see a vegetable farm, and all the people there were very tall, and they had pretty straw hats, and Teacher asked them how it was they had grown so tall and they laughed, and said ‘why, that’s because we eat salad!’ and now I’m sad, because I’ll never grow that tall, I never have salad!”
A fost odata, ca niciodata, intr-o tara indepartata, un mic dragon care se numea Max si care nu voia sa manance salata. Manca aproape orice, iar mama sa era foarte incantata, mai putin salata. Foarte necajiita, nu mai stia ce sa faca pentru a-l convinge pe micul dragon ca salata verde te ajuta sa... cresti. Pana cand, intr-o buna zi, micul dragon reveni si el necajit de la scoala.
- Dar ce ai patit, Max?, il intreba mama sa.
- E, e, e... am fost sa vizitam, toata clasa, o ferma de legume, si toti fermierii erau foarte inalti si aveau palarii imense din paie. Invatatoarea i-a intrebat cum de au crescut atat, iar ei au raspuns razand: „pentru ca mancam mereu salata”. Sunt trist caci eu nu voi creste niciodata, eu nu mananc salata!"
Nr. de pagini: 50
Anul aparitiei: 2018
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