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Autor(i): Jayne Moon
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
There is something special about teaching children. Jayne Moon's academic rigour and classroom experience inform every page of this book - but what shines through is a sense of the privilege it is to participate » ...mai mult
Autor(i): John Landon
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
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Larry applies for a job as a cook on an expedition to search the mountains of northern Afghanistan for the legendary and fearsom Toruk. At the interview, Larry has nagging doubts. But he loves mountains » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Dorothy E. Zemach
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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College writing, for learners of American English, is a semi-academic writing course that takes college students from paragraph structuring to essay writing through a process approach. The areas covered » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Henry James
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
- promoție
Reader: Level 4 (Pre-intermediate -> about 1400 basic words)
Anul publicarii: 2010
Format: 13x20
Pagini: 95
Autor(i): Henry James
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
- promoție
Reader: Level 4 (Pre-intermediate -> about 1400 basic words) +CD
Anul publicarii: 2010
Format: 13x20
Pagini: 95
Autor(i): Alwyn Cox
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Reader : Level 2 (Beginner -> about 600 basic words)
Four men are trapped in the forest. Heavy rain has turned the traks into mud. The bridge across the river is broken. The men looked at the broken » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alwyn Cox
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
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Four men are trapped in the forest.Heavy rain has turned the tracks into mud.The bridge across the river is broken.The men looked at the broken bridge and at the rushing water.Pedro spoke first:"How can » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Charles Dickens
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Reader: Level 5 (Intermediate -> about 1600 basic words)
My name is David Copperfield and i was born in the country of Suffolk, in the east of England. This book is the story of my life. Will i be » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Limba si literatura romana. Manual pentru clasa a ...
12,75 lei
PRP: 15,00 lei

Limba moderna 1, studiu intensiv. Manual de limba ...
29,75 lei
PRP: 35,00 lei
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
- promoție
Reader: Level 3 (Elementary - about 1100 basic words)
Anul publicarii: 2010
Format: 13x20
Pagini: 62
Autor(i): Simon Mellor Clark
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
- promoție
Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Simon Mellor Clark
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
- promoție
Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Simon Mellor Clark
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Michel Marcheteau
Editura: NICULESCU - 2005
- promoție
Cartea reprezinta o initiere clara, simpla si concreta in limbajul afacerilor si al muncii in general.
Autori: Michel Marcheteau, Jean-Pierre Berman, Michel Savio
Format: 13 x 20 cm
Nr. pagini: » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Cornelia Coser
Editura: POLIROM - 2009
- promoție
Developing Competence in English. Intensive English Practice de Cornelia Coser. Cuprins:
- Nouns
- Articles
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- Pronouns, Numerals, Determinants
- Verbs
- Passive Voice » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alexander Hollinger
Editura: UNIVERSITARA - 2009
- promoție
Test your business english vocabulary. Lucrarea prezinta un vocabular din diferite arii tematice ale economiei– comert, comert international, finante, contabilitate, corespondenta de afaceri si contractuala, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Hanga Vladimir
Editura: LUMINA LEX - 2009
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Dictionar juridic Roman-Englez Englez-Roman. Editia a V-a revazuta si adaugita.
Prefata: Dictionar juridic Roman-Englez Englez-Roman.
Tinand seama de progresul rapid si continuu al terminologiei » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

888 capcane frecvente din testele-grila ale concur...
121,41 lei
PRP: 134,90 lei

Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: POLIROM - 2007
- promoție
Organizata in functie de principalii destinatari ai corespondentei firmelor, lucrarea ofera mai mult de 70 de modele de scrisori in romana si in engleza, sfaturi privind redactarea acestora, vocabularul » ...mai mult
Editura: UNIVERSITARA - 2008
- promoție
Engleza pentru stiinte politice si administrative, relatii internationale si jurnalism de la Editura UNIVERSITARA. Lucrarea de fata se orienteaza cu prioritate facultatilor de stiinte politice, administratie » ...mai mult
Editura: LONGMAN
- promoție
A unique combination of Workbook and Exam Handbook. Thorough exam training and language practice run parallel with practical tips, strategies and learner training to build students\' confidence.
Anul » ...mai mult
Editura: LONGMAN - 2007
- promoție
Advanced Gold Exam Maximiser with key&CD pack. A unique combination of Workbook and Exam Handbook.
Thorough exam training and language practice run parallel with practical tips, strategies and learner » ...mai mult
Editura: LONGMAN
- promoție
Contains all the listening material in the Students\' Book - for example, dialogues from each unit, listening comprehension exercises, pronunciation activities, songs, raps, and the picture story.
» ...mai mult
- 73 - 96 din 108 produse
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- În stoc (28)
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Anul publicării
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- 2009 (17)
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