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Autor(i): Alice James
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Toti vorbim despre sanatatea noastra fizica, dar mai putin despre ceea ce simtim, despre gandurile sau ingrijorarile noastre. Acest ghid de sanatate mentala, destinat tinerilor, explica de ce avem emotii » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Russ Watson
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Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Russ Watson
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Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Russ Watson
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Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Claire Llewellyn
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Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Russ Watson
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Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Lewis Carroll
Editura: ARS LIBRI
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Este povestea unei fetite – pe nume Alice – care cade printr-o gaura de iepure intr-o lume fantastica subterana, lume populata de creaturi speciale.
Autor(i): Alice DeVille
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Urmariti-va obiectivele si utilizati conjuncturile astrale cele mai favorabile, care va vor ajuta sa va puneti in valoare talentele si sa atrageti norocul in orice actiune pe care o veti intreprinde in » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): Alice Anita
Editura: TAIDA
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Cartea de fata vine in continuarea unui proiect editorial, ce a debutat acum 25 de ani, al profesorilor de matematica ai uneia dintre cele mai prestigioase scoli din Romania, Colegiul National din Iasi. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Popescu
Editura: EIKON
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„Scriitorii sunt legati intre ei prin firele invizibile ale literaturii, ca intr-un tesut viu. ?i, desi fara voia lor, poate ca niciunul nu ar fi fost posibil fara ceilalti. Nu ma pot gandi la Vintila » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Oseman
Editura: TREI
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O poveste din seria Heartstopper
Un Craciun in familia Spring inseamna o multime de rude, un munte de mancare, haos cat cuprinde si multe ocazii ca oamenii sa faca sau sa spuna ceva gresit. Tori Spring » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Viorica Covalschi
Editura: PRUT
Alice is the heroine of a dreamlike story, who sets out in search of peace. Color Black, because she feels frustrated, launches a war of colors, and turns Alice into an angel who sleeps for a night in » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alice Winn
Editura: LITERA
Suntem in 1914, iar Primul Razboi Mondial face mii de victime printre tinerii din ambele tabere. Violenta de pe front li se pare foarte indepartata lui Henry Gaunt, lui Sidney Ellwood si celorlalti colegi, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Lewis Carroll
Editura: CARTEX
Spunem frecvent despre Aventurile lui Alice (Alice in Tara Minunilor, publicata pentru intaia oara in 1865, si Dincolo de oglinda si ce a gasit Alice acolo, din 1871) ca sunt unele dintre cele mai cunoscute » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Lewis Carroll
Editura: USBORNE
A beautiful gift edition of Lewis Carroll’s timeless classic, including the complete and unabridged text, stunning illustrations and finished with a luxurious padded hardback cover and ribbon marker. » ...mai mult
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