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Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
Editura: BLACK CAT
The Young King tells how a shepherd boy becomes a king and realises that money is not worth human suffering.
In The Star Child a baby is found in the forest and discovers his true id
Autor(i): Thomas Hardy
Editura: BLACK CAT
The Durbeyfield family are poor and simple people, but their ancestors were the mighty d’Urbervilles, an ancient and noble family. When the Durbeyfields meet with misfortune, they send their eldest daughter » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Henry Fielding
Editura: BLACK CAT
The kindly gentleman, Mr Allworthy, returns home from a voyage to find that someone has left a baby boy in his house. He adopts the foundling, giving him the name Tom Jones. Mr Allworthy’s sister, Bridget, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Robert Louis Stevenson
Editura: BLACK CAT
Read about the thrilling adventures of young Jim Hawkins and his friends who set sail for Treasure Island in search of treasure. But will Long John Silver get there first…?
Autor(i): Gina D.B. Clemen
Editura: BLACK CAT
It’s fun to get ready for Halloween and it’s even more fun to have a spooky Halloween party! But what happens to a group of young teenagers when their Halloween party becomes a living nightmare? Find » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Robert Louis Stevenson
Editura: BLACK CAT
An anthology of texts illustrating the development of the short story from the 19th century to the present day, by Charles Dickens, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, D. H. Lawrence, K. Mansfield, W. S. Maugham, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
Editura: BLACK CAT
A selection of twelve thematically-paired stories by a wide range of authors including Oscar Wilde, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur C. Clarke, Kate Chopin, Maeve Binchy, Penelope Lively, Richard Hughes and Ed » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Kelly Reinhart
Editura: BLACK CAT
The True Story of Pocahontas is the touching story of an Indian princess, whose courage saved a white man’s life. No one could have imagined that Pocahontas would be the first Indian to marry a white » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!
Autor(i): Nella Burnett-Stuart
Editura: BLACK CAT
A lively mystery story involving a magician called Zed, some daring school children and a crime to be solved. Children practise their English as they read, following the clues to find who the mystery thief » ...mai mult
Autor(i): James Joyce
Editura: BLACK CAT
This selection of ten short stories about women by modern writers (James Joyce, Katherine Mansfield, Roald Dahl, James Thurber, Edna O’Brien, Anne Cassidy, Malachi Whitaker and Janet Frame) from different » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Robert Louis Stevenson
Editura: BLACK CAT
Anthology of short stories and extracts from important works by some of the most important authors of the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection helps students improve their all-round linguistic competence » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Julia Katharina Weber
Aceasta lucrare a fost realizata in co
Autor(i): Disney
Editura: LITERA
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Stropi este un avion utilitar care viseaza sa participe la cel mai mare raliu aerian din istorie. Desi fizicul nu ii prea permite si– in plus– ii este frica de inaltime, Stropi reuseste, cu ajutorul » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: SOPHIA (S)
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Fiecare dintre noi ne dorim fericirea si nu este om care sa nu se straduiasca sa ajunga la ea intr-un fel sau altul. Dar, ce se ascunde in gandurile si doririle noastre privitoare la fericire? Oare zambet? » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: SOPHIA (S)
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Numele autorului cartii„Fiecare zi, un dar al lui Dumnezeu” s-a pierdut in anonimat. Se cunoaste, in schimb, numele uneia dintre cele mai asidue si mai atente cititoare a acestei carti– nimeni alta » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Stefan Banulescu
Editura: DOXOLOGIA (S)
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Zilele petrecute la Iasi de Stefan Banulescu au fost unele laborioase si fructuoase, in acelasi timp. Ne-am ales cu documente pretioase pentru exeget si cititor privitoare la opera si viata lui Stefan » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!
Autor(i): Viv Lambert
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An audio CD containing all the audio tracks from the Pupil's Books, giving teachers everything they need for the listening sections, including songs, dialogues, chants and vocabulary lists.
Anul aparitiei: » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Yoram Hazony
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Virtutea nationalismului / The Virtue of Nationalism de Yoram Hazony este este un audiobook consistent care aduce in prim-plan subiecte foarte actuale precum: Noua Ordine Mondiala propovaduita de George » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Chip Heath
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Schimbarea: cum sa schimbi lucrurile atunci cand este dificil / Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard de Chip si Dan Heath este audiobookul de care ai nevoie daca vrei, sau trebuie sa faci o » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sarah Turner
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Mami cea nemamoasa: Suisurile nostime si caderile emotionale ale maternitatii / The Unmumsy Mum de Sarah Turner este un punct de vedere cat se poate de subiectiv despre experienta de a deveni si de a fi » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Steve Harvey
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Salt inainte! Fa saltul cu credinta si traieste o viata plina / Jump: Take the Leap of Faith to Achieve Your Life of Abundance de Steve Harvey cu Leah Lakins este ca o vorba de incurajare venita din partea » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Dana Caspersen
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Schimba conversatia: Cele 17 principii de rezolvare a unui conflict / Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution de Dana Caspersen aprofundeaza un subiect de larg interes: conflictul » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sue Johnson
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Sensul iubirii: Revolutia stiintifica a relatiilor de dragoste / Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships de Dr. Sue Johnson este des
Autor(i): Richard Koch
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Principiile unei afaceri-star. Cum pot acestea sa te imbogateasca (The Star Principle. How It Can Make You Rich), de Richard Koch, reprezinta un ghid plin de informatii utile, inedite, care nu ar trebui » ...mai mult
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