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Autor(i): Graham Tullis
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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What's special about the Intelligent Business Course Book? You can effortlessly blend the development of language skills with the introduction of business concepts. Boost your students' business writing » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Louise Pile
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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Learn Business - The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. Do Business - The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Louise Pile
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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Learn Business - The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. Do Business - The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Graham Tullis
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
- promoție
Intelligent Business gives you two clear paths for your business English course - use the Coursebook for language focused courses or the Skills Book for skills focused courses. Produced together with The » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Louise Pile
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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The Test Master CD-ROM which accompanies the Teacher's Book provides a range of placement, module and progress tests. There is a also a mid-course test and an end of course test.
Format: Mixed media » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Irene Barrall
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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What's special about the Skills Book? You can teach a business English skills course with ease, or use it to add business skills to a general course. Useful, functional business language is easy to teach » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Tullis Trappe
Editura: LONGMAN - 2006
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Prepare your students for the world of business with the Intelligent Business Coursebook. Using authentic materials from the Economist© magazine Intelligent Business covers key business concepts within » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Michael Duckworth
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Cartea autorului Michael Duckworth „Essential Business Grammar and Practice" de la editura OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Essential Business Grammar & Practice provides clear explanations and examples » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): Alexander Hollinger
Editura: UNIVERSITARA - 2005
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Alexander Hollinger este profesor universitar de limba engleza de afaceri si comunicare in afaceri la catedra de limbi germanice a ASE Bucuresti. Este licentiat si doctor in filologie al Universitatii » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Evan Frendo
Editura: LONGMAN - 2005
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How to Teach Business English looks at the specific realities of teaching to this sector of the EFL market including course design, selection of materials and intercultural training. A thorough approach » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Graham Tullis
Editura: LONGMAN - 2005
- promoție
What's special about the Intelligent Business Course Book? You can effortlessly blend the development of language skills with the introduction of business concepts. Boost your students' business writing » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Louise Pile
Editura: LONGMAN - 2005
- promoție
Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Founded on thorough language work and a » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Simon Sweeney
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Cartea autorului Simon Sweeney „English for Business Communication Student s book - Simon Sweeney" de la editura CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS This short course is for learners who need to improve their » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Gail Evans
ISBN: ISBN 973-8495-18
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2005
- promoție
Despre carte In spatele fiecarui barbat buternic se afla o femeie puternica. Sigur ca da! Ce mult le place barbatilor sa ajunga pe primele locuri sprijinindu-se pe umerii delicati ai unor femei. Dar doamnelor, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Seth Godin
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2005
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Despre carte Pentru unii, faptul ca timpul disponibil pentru "a acorda atentie" unui lucru este o resursa incredibil de pretioasa dar pe cale de disparitie, ar putea sa para doar o simpla expresie a unui » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jay Conrad Levinson
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2005
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Energizarea profiturilor tale - Seria, Guerrilla Marketing. Marketing fara costuri pentru luptatorul de gherila. Carte de afaceri. 100 de tactici fara costuri pentru promovarea afacerii. Levinson, neobosit » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): S. Robbins
Editura: LONGMAN - 2004
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First Insights into Business is a pre-intermediate course for adult learners of Business English. The teacher's book outlines the rationale for the course. It provides information on the units, photocopiable » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Graham Tullis
Editura: LONGMAN - 2004
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New topics and material to reflect the fast-changing business world;New Vocabulary Development sections, including American English business vocabulary;New Business Skills Focus lessons. The Workbook includes » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Christopher Sion
Editura: DELTA PUBLISHING - 2004
Cartea autorului Christopher Sion „PROF PERS: TALKING BUSINESS INCLASS: Speaking activities for professional students" de la editura DELTA PUBLISHING
ISBN: 9781900783644
Autor(i): Jay Conrad Levinson, Orvel Ray
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2004
- promoție
Despre carte Multe idei sunt dezvaluite in aceasta carte pentru prima data. Nu le-am impartasit decat clientilor nostri, care au platit zeci de mii de dolari pentru a le afla. NEGOCIEREA DE GHERILA iti » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jack Daughery
ISBN: ISBN 973-8495-08
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2004
- promoție
Despre carte Fiecare din capitolele cartii sintetizeaza in cuvinte vibrante si pline de intelepciune experienta de viata a unsprezece dintre cei mai respectati lideri din domeniul afacerilor de distributie » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Denis Waitley
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2004
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Despre carte
Autopretuirea, Creativitatea, Responsabilitatea, Intelepciunea, Vointa, Comunicarea, Increderea, Adaptarea, Perseverenta si Speranta sunt cele zece seminte ale generozitatii in viziunea » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Florence Littauer
ISBN: ISBN 973-8495-13
Editura: BUSINESSTECH - 2004
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Despre carte Cartea va ajuta sa va rezolvati conflictele din casnicie, conflicte datorate in cea mai mare parte tipului de temperament innascut care va influenteaza personalitatea si sa apreciati trasaturile » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Steve Sleight
ISBN: 973-8175-47-X
Editura: RAO GRUP EDITORIAL - 2003
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Lumea digitala in permanenta schimbare cere o noua abordare a modului de structurare a afacerilor si a relatiei cu clientii. Managerii trebuie sa fie pregatiti pentru a imbratisa tehnologii noi si pentru » ...mai mult
- 313 - 336 din 391 produse
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