• English

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English for Everyone. Ghid de gramatica
Editura: LITERA - 2021
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 Un ghid vizual complet al gramaticii limbii engleze (britanice si americane), cu explicatii simple si pe intelesul tuturor, ideal pentru a invata, pas cu pas, pe diferite niveluri de dificultate.  » ...mai mult
104,93 lei
PRP: 139,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Limba moderna engleza, fun grammar pentru clasa a III-a, Katerina Stavridou, EXCELLENT ENGLISH EDUCATION
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Fun Grammar este un curs motivant de doua niveluri pentru ciclul primar care integreaza elementele de gramatica si competentele intr-un mod ludic si captivant. Avand la baza lunga experienta a celui mai » ...mai mult
29,75 lei
PRP: 38,50 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Fun card Easter and Spring. English, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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This set contains 50 quiz cards about Easter and spring. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of English-speaking countries. » ...mai mult
49,40 lei
PRP: 52,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Collocations part I, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Collocations play an important role in learning vocabulary. The set consists of 50 cards with 200 useful collocations. The cards can be used as flashcards or as an exciting game for learning English. Language » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Oxford Preparation and Practice for Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary for Schools Exam Trainer with Key: Preparing students for the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary for Schools exam
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Cartea autorului *** „Oxford Preparation and Practice for Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary for Schools Exam Trainer with Key: Preparing students for the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary for Schools » ...mai mult
111,55 lei
PRP: 115,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Collocations part II, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Collocations play an important role in learning vocabulary. The set consists of 50 cards with 200 useful collocations. The cards can be used as flashcards or as an exciting game for learning English. Language » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Johnny English Reborn, Lynda Edwards, Scholastic
Editura: SCHOLASTIC - 2020
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that will motivate students to read. Johnny English Reborn, based on the 2011 film » ...mai mult
25,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Collocations part III, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Collocations play an important role in learning vocabulary. The set consists of 50 cards with 200 useful collocations. The cards can be used as flashcards or as an exciting game for learning English. Language » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Noi vă recomandăm!
Fun Card English Idioms Part II, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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The set consists of 100 idioms with pictures, easy-to-understand definitions and 100 gap-fill exercises. With this set, students will not only learn 100 new idioms, but also will know how to use them. » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Phrasal Verbs Part II, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Learning and remembering phrasal verbs is not that easy for students. The set contains 50 popular phrasal verbs, 50 clear definitions and sentences that illustrate their use and 50 questions to make students » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun card English. To be, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Multumita acestui set, elevii dvs. nu vor avea probleme in utilizarea verbului To Be in intrebari, afirmatii si propozitii negative. Setul este format din 50 de carti cu 50 de imagini si 150 de propozitii » ...mai mult
49,40 lei
PRP: 52,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Sentence Transformations, part I, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Sentence transformation is a popular exam task which a lot of students find difficult. The set consists of 50 cards with 100 sentence transformation tasks. The cards can be used as flashcards or as an » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Sentence Transformations, part II, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Sentence transformation is a popular exam task which a lot of students find difficult. The set consists of 50 cards with 100 sentence transformation tasks. The cards can be used as flashcards or as an » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Singular vs Plural, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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Generally, forming a plural form for most nouns is quite easy, but there are some exceptions. This set focuses on these exceptions. The cards include two types of tasks. The easy task is to give the plural » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Christmas and Winter, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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This set contains 50 quiz cards about Christmas and winter. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of English-speaking » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Oxford English Grammar Course. Basic with answers, includes e-book
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Oxford English Grammar Course Basic is a revision and expansion of the highly successful Good Grammar Book. Anul aparitiei: 2020 Numar pagini: 362 Format: 19x2
76,63 lei
PRP: 79,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Promo non-stop!
First hundred words in English sticker book
Editura: USBORNE - 2020
This new edition of Usborne’s best-selling language series is packed with stickers and colourful scenes from everyday life. Children will love matching the words on the picture stickers to the relevant » ...mai mult
41,94 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Usborne English teachers notes and students worksheets
Editura: USBORNE - 2020
This book brings together the teachers notes and students worksheets, in photocopiable format, for 12 popular Usborne English Learners Editions titles. Usborne English Learners Editions are a selection » ...mai mult
59,94 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Pearson Tests of English General Level 4 (C1)
Editura: LONGMAN - 2020
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Pearson Tests of English General Level 4 (C1)" de la editura LONGMAN ISBN: 9781292195247
38,66 lei
PRP: 42,96 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Listen and learn first English words
Editura: USBORNE - 2020
A fun and interactive way for children to learn and listen to over 100 everyday English words spoken by a native speaker. Children will love selecting a card with illustrations of a topic such as clothes, » ...mai mult
90,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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English Made Fun de Florin Radu Bortes
Editura: CORINT - 2020
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Volumul contine activitati din categoria jocului ghidat, care este conceput ca o imersiune intr-un mediu ce reproduce stimuli cu care copilul se confrunta in viata cotidiana. Materialele de „joaca” » ...mai mult
19,80 lei
PRP: 33,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Pachet Learn English with music (Sticlea Elena)
Editura: BOOKLET - 2020
Pachetul Learn English with music, contine: - Caiet de lucru pentru clasa pregatitoare - Teacher`s Guide - CD audio Learn English with music: clasa pregatitoare propune o abordare eficienta » ...mai mult
15,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My first 600 English words, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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The set contains 200 picture cards containing 600 basic words. Great fun and perfect help for people starting their adventure with the English language. For students at a slightly higher level, we can » ...mai mult
108,30 lei
PRP: 114,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Fun Card English Valentines Day, CREATIVO
Editura: CREATIVO - 2020
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This set contains 50 quiz cards about Valentine’s Day. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to this topic and broaden their knowledge of the culture of English-speaking countries. » ...mai mult
39,90 lei
PRP: 42,00 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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