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Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
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Cartea autorului Oscar Wilde „The Portrait of Dorian Gray Reader with Activity Book and Audio CD" de la editura EXPRESS PUBLISHING Dorian remembered the wish he had made at Basil´s. He had said that » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
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Cartea autorului Oscar Wilde „The Portrait of Dorian Gray Reader with Audio CD" de la editura EXPRESS PUBLISHING Dorian remembered the wish he had made at Basil´s. He had said that he wished the portrait » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
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Cartea autorului Oscar Wilde „The Portrait of Dorian Gray Book" de la editura EXPRESS PUBLISHING Dorian remembered the wish he had made at Basil´s. He had said that he wished the portrait would grow » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Karen Gray
Editura: SCHOLASTIC - 1998
This book provides teachers of English with a variety of easy-to-prepare
supplementary materials for use with young children. Each
book is packed full of lessons, games, songs, art and craft projects » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
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Cartea autorului Oscar Wilde „The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)" de la editura WORDSWORTH EDITIONS Wilde's only novel, first published in 1890, is a brilliantly designed puzzle, intended to tease » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jennifer Gray
Editura: USBORNE
Ermine the Determined has landed in London! She can’t wait to see Big Ben, ride a red bus, and help her new friend Minty uncover her family’s lost Tudor treasure. But someone else has got their eyes » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jennifer Gray
Editura: USBORNE
Ermine the Determined is off to explore AUSTRALIA! She cant wait to have fun in the sun, climb Sydney Harbour Bridge, and star in Australias Most Awesome Animal competition. But things hot up when someone » ...mai mult
Autor(i): John Gray
Editura: TREI
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„Un elegant studiu filosofic despre viata buna, de la unul dintre cei mai mari ganditori in viata. “ - The Times
Istoria filosofiei a fost, dupa caz, o succesiune tragica sau comica de remedii pentru » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!
Autor(i): Elizabeth Gray
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"Frankenstein, for that is your name, isn?t it? Or should I call you ?Father??" "Call me what you like." "Why did you bring me into this world of hate, Frankenstein?" I was surprised by how well he spoke. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Elizabeth Gray
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Dorian remembered the wish he had made at Basil?s. He had said that he wished the portrait would grow old and ugly while he remained young and beautiful. But could such things come true? Dorian didn?t » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Elizabeth Gray
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ISimon heard a woman scream, then a gunshot. There was another shot and the sound of glass breaking. Simon fell to the floor and crawled towards the kitchen. Rocky was in there, barking and jumping at » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ayana Gray
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In inima Junglei – Ayana Gray
La marginea Marii Jungle, un tinut magic care ascunde pericole mortale, se afla Lkossa, orasul bantuit de aproape un secol de o creatura misterioasa numita S
Autor(i): Dan-Silviu Boerescu
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Artista de origine romana a facut furori cu scena de striptease din capodopera lui Fellini „La dolce vita”. Fugita din Romania, Nadia si-a construit o cariera impresionanta la Hollywood, jucand in » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
Editura: BLACK CAT
When the beautiful young Dorian Gray sees his portrait, he understands that it will remain beautiful forever and that he will grow old. He makes a wish that will change not only his looks but also his » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Oscar Wilde
Editura: BLACK CAT
The publication in 1890 of Wilde’s only novel led to a furious public debate over art and morality. Dorian Gray’s double life in elegant high society and in London’s most degraded slums express the » ...mai mult
Autor(i): John Gray
Editura: VREMEA
John Gray abordeaza tratarea uneia dintre cele mai mari provocari ale lumii moderne – lipsa acuta de concentrare, dintr-o perspectiva mai putin costisitoare si ceva mai naturala decat se obisnuieste » ...mai mult
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