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Autor(i): CAMPBELL Marc
ISBN: 973-571-475-2
Editura: ALL
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"Cititi aceasta carte si aplicati indicatiile din ea, iar animatiile vor parea ca se creeaza singure." Greg Ross, producator de animatie pentru web Nu va lasati blocat in animatie! Cartea aceasta va va » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Robichaux Paul
ISBN: 973-571-348-9
Editura: ALL
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Produs complex, necesitand aptitudini profesionale sporite din partea administratorilor sai, Windows 2000 isi gaseste in cartea semnata de doi experti in stiinta calculatoarelor - Paul Robichaux, specialist » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Lesley Sims
Editura: USBORNE
Packed with essential time-tourist facts and tips, this humorous spoof travel guide takes readers back in time to Egypt during the reign of Rameses II. Written in an amusing style with cartoon illustrations, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Caroline Young
Editura: USBORNE
An easy-to-use guide with tried and tested methods suitable for boys and girls. Includes advice on how to tackle problems that may occur along the way so potty training can take place with the least mess » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Betsis
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10 lessons with Vocabulary and Grammar activities that help students practise using the language.
6 units with short texts, Reading, Writing and
FUN Vocabulary exercises.
2 complete Practice Tests » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Betsis
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15 lessons with Vocabulary and Grammar activities that help students practise using the language.
6 units with short texts, Reading, Writing and
FUN Vocabulary exercises.
2 complete Practice Tests » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Betsis
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15 lessons with Vocabulary and Grammar activities that help students practise using the language.
6 units with short texts, Reading, Writing and
FUN Vocabulary exercises.
2 complete Practice Tests » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Betsis
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8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Flyers exam (from 2018).
» ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!
Autor(i): Liz Hocking
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The Teacher's Guide Pack contains step-by-step teaching notes for each lesson. Warm-ups for every lesson, Answer Keys for course components and useful classroom suggestions are contained within. Accompanying » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Virginia Evans
Pack Contains: - Student's Book, Teacher's Guide, Audio CD and Cross-Platform Application
Career Paths: University Studies is a new educational resource for university students who want to improve their » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Dictionaries Collins
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The home of trusted full-colour visual dictionaries for everyday use.
A photographic guide to 3000 key words and phrases in British English. This attractive pocket-sized book is a perfect English language » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ronald Carter
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This important book, with 32 chapters by leading figures in the field, is an up-to-date guide to the central areas of applied linguistics and language studies with particular reference to TESOL. It looks » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Christine Coombes
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This collection of original articles provides language teachers with a theoretical background of key issues associated with language testing as well as practical advice on how to improve the effectiveness » ...mai mult
Autor(i): James Dean Brown
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This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of research methods in second-language teaching and learning, from experts in the field. The Cambridge Guide to Research in Language Teaching » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Anne Burns
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This collection of original articles provides a state-of-the-art overview of key issues and approaches in contemporary language teaching. Written by internationally prominent researchers, educators, and » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): Anne Burns
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This volume provides an up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of second language learning. The focus throughout the book is primarily on language learning, but each chapter also discusses the implications » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Silvia Colfescu
Editura: VREMEA
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Structurat pe itinerarii care pot fi parcurse intr-o jumatate de zi sau o zi, ghidul prezinta monumentele semnificative ale orasului si atractiile sale turistice. Fiecare itinerariu include vizitarea unui » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Peter Holden
Editura: USBORNE
Usborne Spotters Guides are perfect companions for enthusiasts of the natural world. Each title includes detailed full-colour illustrations of 100-200 species, plus short descriptions and essential details. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Graham Saunders
Editura: USBORNE
Usborne Spotters Guides are perfect companions for enthusiasts of the natural world. Each title includes detailed full-colour illustrations of 100-200 species, plus short descriptions and essential details. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Anthony Wootton
Editura: USBORNE
Usborne Spotters Guides are perfect companions for enthusiasts of the natural world. Each title includes detailed full-colour illustrations of 100-200 species, plus short descriptions and essential details. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alan Woolley
Editura: USBORNE
Usborne Spotters Guides are perfect companions for enthusiasts of the natural world. Each title includes detailed full-colour illustrations, plus short descriptions and essential details. Internet links » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Su Swallow
Editura: USBORNE
Usborne Spotters Guides are perfect companions for enthusiasts of the natural world. Each title includes detailed full-colour illustrations of 100-200 species, plus short descriptions and essential details. » ...mai mult
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