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Autor(i): Diana Gabaldon
Editura: NEMIRA - 2017
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Cartea autorului Diana Gabaldon „Tobele toamnei, volumul 1. A patra parte din seria Outlander de Diana Gabaldon" de la editura NEMIRA Totul a inceput in Scotia, in mijlocul unui cerc de piatra. Claire » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Diana Gabaldon
Editura: NEMIRA - 2017
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Jamie Fraser a supravietuit in chip miraculos. Cand descopera minunea, Claire Randall vrea sa i se alature. Trebuie sa atinga iar pietrele de pe Craigh na Dun pentru a ajunge la Edinburgh, in anul 1766. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Diana Gabaldon
Editura: NEMIRA - 2017
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Cercul de piatra, Volumul I. In urma cu douazeci de ani, Claire Randall s-a intors in timp si a nimerit in bratele temerarului Jamie Fraser, direct in secolul al XVIII-lea. Apoi s-a intors i
Autor(i): Diana Gabaldon
Editura: NEMIRA - 2016
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Povestea care a stat la baza serialului OUTLANDER
Claire Randall si-a tinut secret trecutul aproape 20 de ani. Dar acum se intoarce acolo unde a inceput totul, pe plaiurile misterioase ale Scotiei, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Felicity Brooks
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Felicity Brooks „Outdoors" de la editura USBORNE With over 120 nature and outdoor words to trace, this book is a perfect way for young children to improve their language and writing » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Minna Lacey
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Minna Lacey „Big picture book outdoors" de la editura USBORNE The beautiful pictures in this book are full of wildlife to look out for when you’re outdoors. There are birds, butterflies » ...mai mult
Autor(i): James Maclaine
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului James Maclaine „Never get bored outdoors" de la editura USBORNE Step outdoors with this book and wave goodbye to boredom! Open a bug hotel, read the night sky and go bird spotting, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Minna Lacey
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Minna Lacey „My first outdoor book" de la editura USBORNE Discover lots of interesting things to see and do outdoors in this lovely book for grown-ups and children to share. Learn about » ...mai mult
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Autor(i): Alice James
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Alice James „The Usborne outdoor book" de la editura USBORNE Inspiring ideas for discovering and exploring outdoors, whether that’s a city park, a beach, deep in the woods or even » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Fiona Watt
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Fiona Watt „Very first book of things to spot out and about" de la editura USBORNE A delightfully illustrated board book of things to look for, spot and talk about at the seaside, on » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Heather Amery
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Heather Amery „Farmyard Tales Camping Out" de la editura USBORNE Poppy and Sam decide to go on a camping trip, but Daisy the cow wants to join in too. Young children will love this » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Fiona Watt
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Fiona Watt „Cut-out paper dolls" de la editura USBORNE This delightful activity book contains four press-out dolls and lots of mix-and-match clothes, shoes and accessories to dress » ...mai mult
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului *** „Fold-out and colour London" de la editura USBORNE This book opens to form one long, continuous London panorama to colour, full of famous landmarks including Big Ben, Trafalgar » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Fiona Watt
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Fiona Watt „Press-out paper village" de la editura USBORNE Create a delightful paper village, complete with a post office, a tea room, a school, cottages and lots of people to play » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sue Kay
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2016
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Cartea autorului Sue Kay „New Inside Out Pre-intermediate, student's book with ebook and CD - Sue Kay" de la editura MACMILLAN The Student's Book Pack consists of a visually engaging, 16 unit Student's » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sam Smith
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Sam Smith „Fold-out solar system" de la editura USBORNE Discover the wonders of our Solar System as you fold out this gorgeously illustrated book. Then turn it over to find lots of » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): Fiona Watt
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Fiona Watt „Press-out paper dolls" de la editura USBORNE A delightful book with four sturdy, stand-up paper dolls, a press-out wardrobe and over 50 mix-and-match paper outfits to dress » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Fiona Watt
Editura: USBORNE - 2016
Cartea autorului Fiona Watt „Press-out paper farm" de la editura USBORNE Create a delightful paper farm complete with a farmhouse, barn, a windmill with sails that turn and lots of animals and people » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Diana Gabaldon
Editura: NEMIRA - 2015
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Prima parte din seria OUTLANDER
Povestea care a stat la baza serialului OUTLANDER
Anul 1945. Claire Randall, fosta sora medicala, se intoarce din razboi si pleaca cu sotul i
Autor(i): James Patterson
Editura: PENGUIN BOOKS LTD - 2015
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Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca.
After sixth » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Virginia Woolf
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Cartea autorului Virginia Woolf „The Voyage Out" de la editura HARPER COLLINS PUBLISHERS HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.
Autor(i): Genevieve Kocienda
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Alaska is » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Nick Mason
Editura: PUBLICA - 2013
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„In istoria rockului nu au ramas multe povesti la fel de fascinante ca cea a lui Pink Floyd. Si ma indoiesc ca cineva ar fi putut spune aceasta poveste mai bine ca omul rabdator si spiritual care » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Fiona Davis
Editura: SCHOLASTIC - 2013
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is
a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading
material for younger learners. Puss-in-Boots: The Outlaw is
» ...mai mult
- 25 - 48 din 168 produse
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