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Autor(i): Anthony Scaramucci
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
- promoție
Minighid de Fonduri de Hedging face parte din seria Carti mici, profituri mari, un proiect al editurii Publica sustinut de Erste Asset Management.
Minighid de Fonduri de Hedging este o lectura esentiala » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Michael Paterniti
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
- promoție
In satul pitoresc Guzmán din Spania, intr-o pestera sapata in coasta unui deal vecin cu casele, o usa straveche duce la o incapere inghesuita, de calcar, numita „camera de povestit”. Aici a ajuns » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Guy Kawasaki
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
- promoție
Pana acum trebuie sa fie clar ca, indiferent daca promovezi o afacere, un produs sau pe tine insuti, retelele sociale sunt in topul lucrurilor care determina daca vei avea succes sau daca vei esua. Si » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Keith Ferrazzi
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
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Doriti sa reusiti in viata? Sa urcati pe scara succesului personal? Secretul, dupa spusele maestrului in networking Keith Ferrazzi, este sa va creati legaturi cu alte persoane. Dupa cum a descoperit autorul » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Gary Klein
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
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Expert in psihologie cognitiva, Gary Klein este un fin observator al oamenilor aflati in mediul lor natural si utilizeaza o uimitoare varietate de anecdote dintr-o mare diversitate de industrii si domenii, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Peter Thiel
Editura: PUBLICA - 2015
- promoție
Daca vrei sa construiesti un viitor mai bun, trebuie sa crezi in secrete.
Marele secret al vremurilor noastre este ca mai avem inca frontiere necunoscute de explorat si inventii noi de creat. In De » ...mai mult
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Cartea autorului *** „The Farmer and His Sons: with The Donkey and the Lion's Den (Aesop's Fables Easy Readers)" de la editura AWARD PUBLICATIONS Illustrated by Val Biro
Designed to build reading » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
An exciting three-level course enabling learners to use english in real life situations.
The Workbook contains:
- a variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
- tasks practisind functions » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

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Cartea autorului *** „Brer Rabbit and the Great Race (Read Along with Me Brer Rabbit)" de la editura AWARD PUBLICATIONS Illustrated by Lesley Smith
Enjoy the mischievous adventures of Brer Rabbit » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
An exciting three-levvel course enabling learners to use english in real life situations.
The Workbook contains:
- a variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
- tasks practising functions » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information
Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English
An integrated approach to the development of the four skills
Special » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information
Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English
An integrated approach to the development of the four skills
Special » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
New Destinations is an exciting course in english.
The workbook contains:
- a variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
- communication, reading and writing activities
- listening activities » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners. It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
Go Flyers is a course preparing students for the YLE Flyers Test.
It includes:
- 14 units practising grammar and vocabulary through activities in the format of the YLE Starters Tests
- 5 complete » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

- promoție
Cartea autorului *** „The Boy Who Cried Wolf: with The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (Aesop's Fables Easy Readers) - Illustrated by Val Biro" de la editura AWARD PUBLICATIONS Designed to build reading » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
New Destinations is an exciting course in english.
The workbook contains:
- a variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
- cmmunication, reading and writing activities
- listening activities » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information
Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English
An integrated approach to the development of the four skills
Special » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
New Destinations is an exciting course in English.
The workbook contains:
- A variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
- Communication, reading and writing activities
- Listenig activities » ...mai mult
- promoție
Cartea autorului *** „The Bear and the Travellers: with The Ducks and the Tortoise (Aesop's Fables Easy Readers)" de la editura AWARD PUBLICATIONS Illustrated by Val Biro
Designed to buil
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners. It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. » ...mai mult
- promoție
Cartea autorului *** „Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox - Read Along with Me Brer Rabbit" de la editura AWARD PUBLICATIONS Illustrated by Kate Davies, Lesley Smith
Each book contains two of Joel Chandler » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2014
- promoție
An exciting three-level course enbling learners to use english in real life situations.
- Well-organised multi-dimensional syllabus
- Twenty-one well-balanced, clear and concise units
- Stimulating » ...mai mult
- 457 - 480 din 1006 produse
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