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Autor(i): John Parker
Editura: PUBLICA - 2011
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Jack Nicholson este unul dintre cei mai apreciati actori atat de critici, cat si de catre publicul larg; de-a lungul carierei pana in prezent a castigat numeroase premii si a fost nominalizat la cele mai » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Price
Editura: PUBLICA - 2011
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Magia Pixar este cronica plina de viata a istoriei si evolutiei companiei Pixar Animation Studios si a „gastii de tocilari” care au infiintat-o. Cu ajutorul geniului animatiei John Lasseter si a vizionarului » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
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Sesiunea anuala de comunicari stiintifice din anul 2009 a avut tema"Descentralizarea. Prezent si perspective in contextul transformarilor din administratia publica romaneasca".
In cadrul acesteia, sectiunile » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sir Ken Robinson
Editura: PUBLICA - 2011
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Cartea autorului Sir Ken Robinson „O lume iesita din minti. Revolutia creativa a educatiei de Sir Ken Robinson (Editie revizuita si actualizata)" de la editura PUBLICA Traim un paradox. Majoritatea » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Nicolae Stan
Editura: EIKON - 2011
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Cartea autorului Nicolae Stan „Incursiuni in sfera publica romaneasca. Modele europene de Nicolae Stan" de la editura EIKON Din unghiul specific al tipului de sfera publica pe care l-am propus, grupul » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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The grammar book contains:
- 30 units that follow the syllabus of the Student's book
- structures presented in meaningful contexts
- clear explanations and illustrative examples
- carefully graded » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Full Blast is a secondary course in British English, taking learners from Beginner to B2 level. The course follows the modular approach, which enables students to deal with topics in depth.
Course » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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New Yippee is an innovative three-level beginners course in British and American English.
Designed for very young learners, the New Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and the » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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New Yippee is an innovative three-level beginners course in British and American English.
Designed for very young learners, the New Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and the » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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New Yippee is an innovative three-level beginners course in British and American English.
Designed for very young learners, the New Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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New Yippee is an innovative three-level beginners course in British and American English.
Designed for very young learners, the New Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Marileni Malkogianni
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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In this highly entertaining story, three children come upon an enchanted and a beautiful princess, who is not appers to be. Disappearing jewels, magic acts and a robbery are just some of the highlights » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mary W. Shelley
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Victor Frankenstein works day and night to create his monster, thinking it will be a great advance in the scientific field. However, his creation only brings about sadness and death. This classic tale » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jules Verne
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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In this classic Jules Verne adventure story, a message that the passengers and crew of the Duncan find in a shark's belly launches the search for the missing Captain Grant. The passengers of the Duncan » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ioan Salomie
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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The main characters in this amusing fairy tale are a carpenter, his Three sons and a naughty goat that has difficulty telling the truth. This causes big problems for the carpenter's sons, who are thrown » ...mai mult
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Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English.
The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Smart Junior is an innovative six-level primary course in British English.
It's a course that follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Smart Junior is an innovative six-level primary course in British English.
It's a course that follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2011
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Smart Junior is an innovative six-level primary course in British English.
It's a course that follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course » ...mai mult
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