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Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course Features:
Six modules
Five lessons and a revision section in each module
Lively dialogues
Motivating and contemporary » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Get to the Top level 1 is an exciting English course for students at Beginners level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
- promoție
It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course Features:
Six modules
Five lessons and a revision section in each module
Lively dialogues
Motivating and contemporary » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
- promoție
Get to the Top level 3 is an exciting English course for students at Elementary level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
- promoție
It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course Features:
Six modules
Five lessons and a revision section in each module
Lively dialogues
Motivating and contemporary » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
- promoție
Get to the Top level 3 is an exciting English course for students at Elementary level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
- promoție
Full Blast! is an exciting course that takes learners from Beginner to B2 level.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
Tasks practising functions and » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Full Blast is a secondary course in British English, taking learners from Beginner to B2 level. The course follows the modular approach, which enables students to deal with topics in depth.
Course » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Full Blast! is an exciting course that takes learners from Beginner to B2 level.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary
Tasks practising functions and » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Full Blast is a secondary course in British English, taking learners from Beginner to B2 level. The course follows the modular approach, which enables students to deal with topics in depth.
Course » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Get to the top 4 is an exciting english course for students at Pre-Intermediate level. It follows the requirement of the Common European Framework of Reference.
The Workbook contains:
A variety of » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Edith Nesbit
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Elementary level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.
The actvity section contains
Autor(i): William Shakespeare
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.
The actvity section contai
Autor(i): Jack London
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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White Fang is a wolf-dog growing up in the cold wilderness of the Canadian North, often facing hunger and the dangers of living in the wild. When he starts keeping company with humans, he finds out that » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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In this story, a young girl goes on a trip to London in order to take part in the final of an international short story competition. Readers will join her and her fellow finalists on their exciting sightseeing » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2010
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Traveller is an exciting seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): Lucia Novac
Editura: CAVALLIOTI - 2009
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ISTORIA ROMANILOR TESTE GRILA PENTRU PREGATIREA EXAMENULUI DE ADMITERE LA ACADEMIA DE POLITIE - Lucia Novac. Pentru elaborarea lucrarii au fost consultate manualele de clasa a XII-a aflate in vigoare in » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Lucia Novac
Editura: CAVALLIOTI - 2009
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- Pregatirea lectiilor curente
- Pregatirea » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alan Greenspan
Editura: PUBLICA - 2009
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Era turbulenţelor - Aventuri intr-o lume noua. Acum Alan Greenspan, legendarul fost presedinte al Rezervei Federale, oferaîn autobiografia sa– un bestseller New York Times– o imagine singulara din » ...mai mult
Editura: PUBLICA - 2009
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Elogiu lentorii - PUBLICA. Elogiu lentorii pune sub semnulîndoielii cultul vitezei, examineaza tendinta moderna de„viteza” si prevede un trend mondial, acela de„frânare a vitezei”. A fost tradusaîn » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Alexandru Ioan
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Tratat de administratie publica. Aceasta lucrare,în cadrul PREMIILOR STIINTIFICE ale Uniunii Juristilor din România, Societatii"Titu Maiorescu" si ale revistelor"Dreptul" si"Palatul
de Justitie" pe » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Victor K. Fung
Editura: PUBLICA - 2009
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Concurenta intr-o lume plata. Cum sa construim o companie intr-o lume fara granite. Prezentare - Concurenta intr-o lume plata. Într-o lume plata, totul se schimba… mai ales calitatile de care ai nevoie » ...mai mult
Autor(i): John Maynard Keynes
Editura: PUBLICA - 2009
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Teoria generala a ocuparii fortei de munca, a dobânzii si a banilor de John Maynard Keynes este prima carte din Co-lectia de economie, un proiect realizat în parteneriat cu Business Magazin si sustinut » ...mai mult
Autor(i): A. Moore Geoffrey
Editura: PUBLICA - 2009
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Traversarea abisului. Promovarea produselor de ultima tehnologie. Prezentare - Traversarea abisului. Promovarea produselor de ultima tehnologie. Traversarea abisului este cel mai bine vândut ghid ce ofera » ...mai mult
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