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Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
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Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.
Course Features:
Well » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.
Course Features:
Well » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.
The Workbook contains: » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.
Course Features:
Well » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.
Course Features:
Well » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Christopher Andrews lives in Aylesworth, a quiet town in Barkshire. Nothing exciting happens until the day when Christopher finds out that his favourite place, Aylesworth forest, will be cut down to build » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Channel your English is an exciting and easy-to-use course which effectively meets the needs of teenage and young adult learners.
It takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate level » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2002
- promoție
Channel your English is an exciting and easy-to-use course which effectively meets the needs of teenage and young adult learners.
It takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate level » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Irina Airiniei Vasile
Editura: ECONOMICA - 2001
Autor Irina Airinei Vasile
ISBN 973-590-437-3
An apariție 2001
Nr. de pagini 128
Format 14x20
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2001
- promoție
Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2001
- promoție
Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2001
- promoție
Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2001
- promoție
Paul, a young English boy travels through the Chunnel to Paris. There, he meets his pen-friend Pierre Dupont, Monsieur and Madame Dupont and Pierre's cousin Sylvie. Paul visits the famous sights of Paris » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Marileni Malkogianni
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2001
- promoție
Cartea autorului Marileni Malkogianni „Paul and Pierre in Paris (Starter)" de la editura MM PUBLICATIONS Paul, a young English boy travels through the Chunnel to Paris. There, he meets his pen-fri
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2000
- promoție
Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 2000
- promoție
Zoom is an exciting three-level primary course in British English especially designed for complete beginners.
ZOOM a, b and c guide students through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Anton P. Parlagi
Editura: ECONOMICA - 1999
Autori Anton P. Parlagi, Marius Profiroiu, Eugen Crai
Colectia „Administratie publica”
ISBN 973-590-219-2
An aparitie 1999
Nr. de pagini 64
Format 17x24
Autor(i): H.Q. Mitchell
Editura: MM PUBLICATIONS - 1998
- promoție
In this conemporary story, four American teenage musicians are invited to one of the most prestigious music awards and expect to have the time of their lives. However, an unexpected twist at the start » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Tatiana Mosteanu
- promoție
Lucrarea se adreseaza studentilor facultatilor din invatamantul economic
Autor(i): Silviu Stefan Cojocaru
- promoție
Prezentare: « Nu te costă prea mult să fii acolo unde se duce lumea, iar site-ul personal te va reprezenta întotdeauna. Dacă te costă totuşi ceva, acest lucru este efortul de a învăţa să te » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ashlee Vance
Editura: PUBLICA
Odata cu lansarea rachetei Falcon 1 in 2008, SpaceX a lui Elon Musk a devenit prima companie privata capabila sa construiasca o racheta cu costuri scazute, care sa poata ajunge pe orbita. Iar acel moment » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sergiu Constantin Burlacu
Editura: LETRAS
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Exproprierea pentru cauza de utilitate publica (ed. tiparita) – Sergiu Constantin Burlacu – Editura Letras, 2020
Tinand cont de nevoile societatii, de vremurile actuale, de reglementarile » ...mai mult
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