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Autor(i): Petrina Cliff
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Cartea autorului Petrina Cliff „Get Ready for... Starters. Students Book and MultiROM with access to free practice test (Petrina Cliff)" de la editura OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Helps prepare pupils by » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
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Cartea autorului Andrew Vaughan „Get Ready For International Business 1 Students Book" de la editura Macmillan Education This is a business English course for adults aimed primarily at pre-service students » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
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Cartea autorului Andrew Vaughan „Get Ready For International Business 1 Students Book" de la editura Macmillan Education This is a business English course for adults aimed primarily at pre-service students » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2013
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Ready for First is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examination. This third edition of Ready for First supports students with a range of activities » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Ready for CAE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English examination.
All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sarah Emsden Bonfanti
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2011
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Our new IELTS preparation course combines the successful elements of the Ready For series and an experienced author team to ensure students aiming for IELTS bands 5 - 6. 5 are ready for success!
All » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Nick Kenny
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2011
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Ready for Pet is a motivating short course for all students preparing to take the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. With its clear and thorough approach to all the tasks found in the exam, Ready for » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ileana Leca
Editura: CORINT - 2011
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Fiecare schimbare a continutului si a formei cerintelor la examenul de bacalaureat, preocupare constanta a autoritatilor din domeniu, a prilejuit aparitia publicatiilor necesare, utile atat candidatilor, » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for CAE gives in-depth exam training to prepare students for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam.
Autor: Roy Norris, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
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Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Ceritificate in English examination. All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sam McCarter
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2010
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Our new IELTS preparation course combines the successful elements of the Ready For series and an experienced author team to ensure students aiming for IELTS bands 5 - 6. 5 are ready for success!
All » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
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Cartea autorului Andrew Vaughan „Get Ready for Business 2. Audio CD" de la editura Macmillan Education The Class Audio CD contains all the audio for the listening tasks within the Student\\''s Book. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Get Ready for Business helps college students prepare to use English in the workplace by exposing them to English being used in a range of different business contexts, offering a variety of different accents » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) exam, to ensure that » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Peter Sunderland
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for CAE gives in-depth exam training to prepare students for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam. Ready for CAE is a » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mariana Nicolae
Editura: UNIVERSITARA - 2009
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Se adreseaza studentilor anului II al Facultatilor de REI si Comert, cursurile de zi si de invatamant deschis la distanta, celor care doresc sa-si perfectioneze si sa-si modernizeze cunostintele de limba » ...mai mult
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Pachet clasa pregatitoare. Set 2 caiete nivel II 5...
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Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) exam, to ensure that » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for CAE gives in-depth exam training to prepare students for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam. Anul publicarii: 2009 » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Ready for CAE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English exam.
All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Nick Kenny
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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A motivating short course for students preparing for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test.Ready for PET is a motivating short course for all students preparing to take the Camnridge Preliminary English » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Roy Norris
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) exam, to ensure that » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
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Cartea autorului Andrew Vaughan „Get Ready for Business 1. Teachers Guide" de la editura Macmillan Education Autori: Andrew Vaughan, Dorothy E. Zemach
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2008
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Get Ready for Business helps college students prepare to use English in the workplace by exposing them to English being used in a range of different business contexts, offering a variety of different accents » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Vaughan
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Cartea autorului Andrew Vaughan „Get Ready for Business 1. Students Book" de la editura Macmillan Education The Student\\''s Book exposes students to a variety of business and workplace situations in » ...mai mult
- 49 - 72 din 90 produse
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