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Autor(i): Sigmund Freud
Editura: TREI - 2010
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Psihopatologia vietii cotidiene de Sigmund Freud. Cuprins:
Inconstientul nostru cel de toate zilele, de Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu
1 Uitarea unor nume proprii
2 Uitarea unor cuvinte din limbi straine » ...mai mult
Autor(i): A Nour
Editura: ANTET - 2010
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Cultul lui Zamolxis. Credinte, rituri si superstitii geto-dace de A Nour. Istoria geto-dacilor este, in general, putin cunoscuta. Mai ales partea de inceput a acestei istorii, pana la contactul getilor » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mircea Georgescu
Editura: ANDREAS - 2009
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333 Supe Ciorbe, Borsuri de Mircea Georgescu. Peste 330 de retete de post si de "dulce" din toate regiunile tarii, dar si din alte tari cu obiceiuri gastronomice asemanatoare, sau preferate de romani. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jamie Oliver
Editura: CURTEA VECHE - 2009
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Jamie Oliver, cel mai popular bucatar din Marea Britanie, si-a castigat statutul de vedeta datorita cartilor publicate si emisiunii de televiziune
The Naked Chef— Bucatarul se dezbraca... de secrete. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jamie Oliver
Editura: CURTEA VECHE - 2009
- promoție
Jamie Oliver, cel mai popular bucatar din Marea Britanie, si-a castigat statutul de vedeta datorita cartilor publicate si emisiunii de televiziune The Naked
Chef— Bucatarul se dezbraca... de secrete. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jamie Oliver
Editura: CURTEA VECHE - 2009
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Alte salate. Dressinguri. Supe. Paste de Jamie Oliver
Anul aparitiei: 2009
Format: 19, 5× 24 cm
Numar pagini: 64
Autor(i): Jamie Oliver
Editura: CURTEA VECHE - 2009
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Colectia: Colectia Jamie Oliver - Deserturi. Cocteiluri. Supe, sosuri, maruntisuri, cate una, cate alta, din toate cate putin
Anul aparitiei: 2009
Format: 19, 5 x 24 cm
Numar pagini: 64
Editura: POLIROM - 2009
- promoție
Super-tare la pat Eroina romanului Super-tare la pat, Cannie Shapiro, este reporter la Philadelphia Examiner. Vreme de douazeci si opt de ani lucrurile par sa-i fi mers
bine– desigur, au existat si » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): Frank Wilde
Editura: ANTET - 2009
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Misca-te si fa ce e mai bun cu viata ta, caci vreau sa fiu mandru de tine.
Motivele egoiste si altruiste nu se exclud reciproc. Exista un egoism inteligent si unul prostesc. Cel prostesc functioneaza » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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The Teacher's Guide is an easy-to-follow guide to the materials with general suggestions, aims and step-by-step instructions for each of the activities.
English that the teacher can » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Including 48 lively full colour pages. The Pupil's Book contains presentation of new language, games, songs, chants, role-plays, board games and craft activities.
Pre-story page with » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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78 pages of puzzles, surveys and writing activities in which children practise and deomonstrate their comprehension of the new language.
My dictionary page at the end of each unit, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
The Teacher's Guide is an easy-to-follow guide to the materials with general suggestions, aims and step-by-step instructions for each of the activities.
English that the teacher can » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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78 pages of puzzles, surveys, writing activities in which children practise and demonstrate their comprehension of the new language.
My dictionary page at the end of each unit, using » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
The Teacher's Guide is an easy-to-follow guide to the materials with general suggestions, aims and step-by-step instructions for each of the activities.
English that the teacher can » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Including 48 lively full colour pages. The Pupil's Book contains presentation of new language, games, songs, chants, role-plays, board games and craft activities.
Pre-story page presenting » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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78 pages of puzzles, surveys and writing activities in which children practise and deomonstrate their comprehension of the new language.
My dictionary page at the end of each unit, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
The Teacher's Guide is an easy-to-follow guide to the materials with general suggestions, aims and step-by-step instructions for each of the activities.
English that the teacher can » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Including 48 lively full colour pages. The Pupil's Book contains presentation of new language, games, songs, chants, role-plays, board games and craft activities.
Pre-Story pages presenting » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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78 pages of puzzles, surveys and writing activities in which children practise and deomonstrate their comprehension of the new language.
My dictionary page at the end of each unit, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Ken Wilson
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Prospects Super Advanced Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them -ideas to help teachers with every activity -further structure practice ideas for » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
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Here Comes Super Bus is a four-level, story-based primary course. In Levels 1 and 2 the main emphasis is on developing children's listening comprehension and speaking skills. New language is presented » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Here Comes Super Bus is a four-level, story-based primary course. In Levels 1 and 2 the main emphasis is on developing children's listening comprehension and speaking skills. New language is presented » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Maria Jose Lobo
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2009
- promoție
Here Comes Super Bus is a four-level, story-based primary course. In Levels 1 and 2 the main emphasis is on developing children's listening comprehension and speaking skills. New language is presented » ...mai mult
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