Editura GLOBAL ELT (F)
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Autor(i): Mohy Omar
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
Crime Scene is an exciting six-level series that aims to enhance students’ reading experience while adding real-world sense of morality to them through intriguing adventurous mystery cases. The series » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mohy Omar
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
Crime Scene is an exciting six-level series that aims to enhance students’ reading experience while adding real-world sense of morality to them through intriguing adventurous mystery cases. The series » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Jane Austen
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
Cartile de lectura adaptata ale editurii Global ELT ii ajuta pe cei care studiaza limba engleza sa se bucure de povestile clasice in limba engleza.
Nivelul cartii faciliteaza intelegerea. CD-ul audio » ...mai mult
Autor(i): William Shakespeare
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
Cartile de lectura adaptata ale editurii Global ELT ii ajuta pe cei care studiaza limba engleza sa se bucure de povestile clasice in limba engleza.
Nivelul cartii faciliteaza intelegerea. CD-ul audio » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Arthur Conan Doyle
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
Global ELT brings Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s collection of pre-eminent detective short stories to its series of Global Compass Graded Readers. English language
learners of all ages will enjoy developing » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Betsis
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F)
8 teste complete pentru examenul First.
Include un ghid cuprinzator cu modele suplimentare pentru proba de redactari teste si cu exemple din raspunsurile candidatilor urmate de punctajul obtinut si » ...mai mult
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F) - 2016
Despite the fact that the TOEFL iBT exam does not have separate Grammar or Vocabulary sections, Grammar and Vocabulary are essential parts of language learning and are tested throughout the test. Plenty » ...mai mult
Noi vă recomandăm!
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F) - 2013
The TOEFL iBT test combines all four Skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. The book aims to help candidates become familar with the format of the Listening section of the TOEFL iBT test. Plenty » ...mai mult
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F) - 2016
Anul aparitiei: 2016
Autor(i): Brothers Grimm
Editura: GLOBAL ELT (F) - 2019
Global ELT Fairy Tales: Graded Readers for Young Learners is a graded reading series specifically written for children who learn English as a foreign language. The series is aligned to the Common European » ...mai mult
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