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Autor(i): Stephen Hawking
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Stephen Hawking „Level 5: The Body Book & MP3 Pack" de la editura LONGMAN Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure.
When they hear ab
Autor(i): F. Scott Fitzgerald
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului F. Scott Fitzgerald „Level 5: The Great Gatsby Book and MP3 Pack" de la editura LONGMAN Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading.
Autor(i): Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Sir Arthur Conan Doyle „Level 5: The Hound of the Baskervilles Book and MP3 Pack" de la editura LONGMAN Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of r » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Allison Pearson
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Allison Pearson „New Cornerstone Grade 5 Workbook" de la editura LONGMAN Additional practice and extension activities to accompany the Student Edition plus learning checklists and end » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Cotton
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului David Cotton „New Language Leader Upper Intermediate Coursebook" de la editura LONGMAN New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students » ...mai mult
Autor(i): John Beaumont
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului John Beaumont „NorthStar Reading and Writing 1 Classroom AudioCDs" de la editura LONGMAN
ISBN: 9780133382433
Autor(i): Polly Merdinger
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Polly Merdinger „NorthStar 1 DVD with DVD Guide" de la editura LONGMAN The NorthStar DVD has engaging, authentic video clips, including animation, documentaries, interviews, and bi » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 1 (Learning to Read) Workbook with App" de la editura LONGMAN The Workbook contains:
Designed for use in the class for practice and
Noi vă recomandăm!
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 2 Picture Cards" de la editura LONGMAN Children love asking questions
Now I Know! builds on childrens natural curiosity, in an excit
Autor(i): Jeanne Perrett
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Jeanne Perrett „Now I Know 2 Student Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Student Book contains:
12 units, with teaching material designed for at lea
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 2 Speaking and Vocabulary Book" de la editura LONGMAN Children love asking questions
Now I Know! builds on childrens natural curiosi
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 2 Teachers Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Book has:
Reduced Student Book pages with answers provide teachers
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 2 Workbook with App" de la editura LONGMAN The Workbook:
Is designed for use in the class for practice and at home for homework
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 3 Audio CD" de la editura LONGMAN Children love asking questions
Now I Know! builds on childrens natural curiosity, in an exciting l
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 3 Picture Cards" de la editura LONGMAN Key vocabulary for every unit
Available for Levels 1-3
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Autor(i): Catherine Zgouras
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Catherine Zgouras „Now I Know 3 Workbook with App" de la editura LONGMAN The Workbook:
Is designed for use in the class for practice and at home for homework
Promo non-stop!
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 4 Audio CD" de la editura LONGMAN Children love asking questions
Now I Know! builds on childrens natural curiosity, in an exciting l
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 4 Teachers Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Book has:
Reduced Student Book pages with answers provide teachers
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 4 Workbook with App" de la editura LONGMAN The Workbook:
Is designed for use in the class for practice and at home for homework
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 5 Audio CD" de la editura LONGMAN Audio material for use in class (also available online as part of the Pearson English Portal)
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Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 5 Teachers Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Book has:
Reduced Student Book pages with answers provide teachers
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 5 Workbook with App" de la editura LONGMAN The Workbook:
Is designed for use in the class for practice and at home for homework
Autor(i): Jeanne Perrett
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Jeanne Perrett „Now I Know 6 Student Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Student Book contains:
12 units, with teaching material designed for at lea
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
- promoție
Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Now I Know 6 Teachers Book plus PEP pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Book has:
Reduced Student Book pages with answers provide teachers
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