Editura LONGMAN - 2013
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An publicare: 2013
Autor(i): Carolyn Bbarraclough
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Carolyn Bbarraclough „Next Move 2 Students Book" de la editura LONGMAN Next Move Students Book consists of:
- Starter Unit
- Nine units of one lesson p
Autor(i): Roberts Rachael
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Roberts Rachael „New Total English Intermediate eText Students Book Access Card" de la editura LONGMAN With eText students can access the Students Book texts and audios on their tablets » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mariana Lungu
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Mariana Lungu „Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus Cased with online" de la editura LONGMAN 700, 000 Collocations help increase spoken and written fluency, ideal for Intermediate » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Carol Nuttall
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Carol Nuttall „Expert Proficiency Active Teach" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Online Resource Materials are available exclusively
Autor(i): Christina Longman
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Christina Longman „My Little Island 2 Workbook with Songs and Chants Audio CD" de la editura LONGMAN Where the adventure begins!
There is an exciting place fo
Autor(i): Antonia Clare
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skill areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sarah Cunningham
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
- recomandat
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Cartea autorului Sarah Cunningham „Cutting Edge Intermediate. Student book with DVDROM (Third edition) de Sarah Cunningham" de la editura LONGMAN Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Caroline Laidlaw
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Caroline Laidlaw „Animal Camouflage Penguin Kids CLIL 6 de Caroline Laidlaw" de la editura LONGMAN Real life exists outside of the fantasy so we bring you18 NEW CLIL titles for balanced » ...mai mult
30,78 lei
PRP: 35,60 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
cumpărăTimp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Noi vă recomandăm!

Autor(i): Taylor Nicole
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului Taylor Nicole „A World Of Homes Penguin Kids CLIL 6 de Taylor Nicole" de la editura LONGMAN Real life exists outside of the fantasy so we bring you18 NEW CLIL titles for balanced learning. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Barbara Thomas
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests and guidance at exam level and in exam format for the Cambridge ESOL exams.
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Pearson Longman; Student » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Caroline Laidlaw
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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A penguin decides to look for a new home. Somewhere quiet, with more space. Let's go with her on a journey to different islands around the world... And see what we discover...
Series: Pearson English » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Degnan-Veness Coleen
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Cartea autorului DegnanVeness Coleen „Our Changing Planet CLIL Penguin Kids, level 6 de Degnan Veness Coleen" de la editura LONGMAN More than 1. 2 million plant and animal species live on Earth. There » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Miller Laura
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Real life exists outside of the fantasy so we bring you18 NEW CLIL titles for balanced learning. Sticking with the highest quality design and the same stringent criteria for levelling and writing, we are » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Miller Laura
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Amy and Jack visit their cousin, Max, in the countryside. They can't sleep - and meet the animals that come out at night. This reading series features carefully crafted language that fits with English » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Barbara Ingham
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Tom loves the harbor. Every weekend, he buys an ice cream and watches the boats. What can he show you? What can he see with the binoculars? There are big boats, small boats, and strong boats. What are » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Linnette Erocak
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Mechanics have coveralls, and chefs can have tall hats. Some vets wear white coats, and a dentist wears a mask. Uniforms are clothes at work. We see them all the time. Do you wear a uniform... at home, » ...mai mult
Promo non-stop!

Autor(i): Marie Crook
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Series: Pearson English Kids Readers
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited (February 28, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 140828832X
ISBN-13: 978-1408288320
Product Dimensions: » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Iturain Maria Luisa
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Can you balance on one foot? Can you balance on two hands? Can you run? Can you stretch? Yes, you can! Learn about different sports and champions... and try some activities with your friends!
Paperback » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Wilson Rachel
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Classic Disney/Pixar stories re-told for young learners of English. Immerse your students in 6 levels of enchanting Disney/Pixar. From 'Cinderella' and 'Dumbo' to 'Up', there's someting for all levels » ...mai mult
27,09 lei
PRP: 30,10 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
cumpărăTimp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Autor(i): Wilson Rachel
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Hannah is a scientist and she studies animals. She wants to show you two animals with amazing life cycles... a butterfly and a frog. The Peacock butterfly lives in Europe. The Red-eyed tree frog lives » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Barbara Ingham
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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A festival is a celebration, to have a party on a special day. Visit different festivals in the world. Scotland, New Zealand, Africa, and more... Which is your favourite festival?
Series: Pearson » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Wilson Rachel
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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The town is busy today. Swish-swash! Beep! Beep! Wooo! Wooo! Ring! Ring! Two wheels, four wheels, six or eight? Is it a car, a bicycle, or a bus?
Series: Pearson English Kids Readers
Paperback: » ...mai mult
26,10 lei
PRP: 30,20 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
cumpărăTimp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Autor(i): Marie Crook
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Katie likes beans. They are her favorite vegetable. She gets a small jar, some paper towel, and a bean seed. Does the seed grow?
Series: Pearson English Kids Readers
Paperback: 16 pages
Publisher: » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Taylor Nicole
Editura: LONGMAN - 2013
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Music has got a tune. A tune has got a beat. Some tunes are good. Some tunes are bad. Do you like music?
Series: Pearson English Kids Readers
Paperback: 16 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited » ...mai mult
26,10 lei
PRP: 30,20 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
cumpărăTimp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
- 49 - 72 din 86 produse
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