Carti in Limba Engleza de la editura MACMILLAN - 2012
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An publicare: 2012
Autor(i): Joanne Ramsden
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Joanne Ramsden „Natural and Social Science 6. Activity Book Pack" de la editura MACMILLAN Macmillan Natural and Social Science is a 6-level British English primary course covering all » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Donna Shaw
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Donna Shaw „Natural and Social Science Level 6. Teachers Book English" de la editura MACMILLAN The Teacher\\''s Notes contain lesson plans which provide easy to follow instructions » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Donna Shaw
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Donna Shaw „Natural and Social Science Level 6. Class Audio CD" de la editura MACMILLAN The Class Audio CDs contain recordings of all the reading texts, dialogues, stories, songs, chants » ...mai mult
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului *** „Natural and Social Science Level 5 and 6. Digital Resources Pack" de la editura MACMILLAN Macmillan Natural and Social Science is a new six-level course for children studying science » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Joanna Preshous
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Joanna Preshous „IELTS Foundation Second Edition Students Book" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Foundation Second Edition retains all of the best elements of the original course and brings » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Preshous
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Andrew Preshous „IELTS Foundation. Teachers Book, second edition" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Foundation Second Edition retains all of the best elements of the original course and » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Preshous
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Andrew Preshous „IELTS Foundation Second Edition Audio CDx2" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Foundation Second Edition retains all of the best elements of the original course and brings » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Andrew Preshous
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Andrew Preshous „IELTS Foundation. Study Skills Pack, second edition" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Foundation Study Skills are easy-to-use self-study books for students aiming at IELTS » ...mai mult
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Autor(i): Sam McCarter
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Sam McCarter „IELTS Introduction. Students Book" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Introduction is a brand new course designed specifically for low-level students wishing to take the IELTS » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sam McCarter
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Sam McCarter „IELTS Introduction. Teachers Book" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Introduction Teacher\\''s Book provides a comprehensive teacher\\''s guide to IELTS Introduction Student\\''s » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sam McCarter
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Sam McCarter „IELTS Introduction. Audio CD" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Introduction is a brand new course designed specifically for low-level students wishing to take the IELTS exam. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Sam McCarter
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Sam McCarter „IELTS Introduction. Study Skills Pack" de la editura MACMILLAN IELTS Introduction is a brand new course designed specifically for low-level students wishing to take the » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2 Student Book and Webcode" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway is an academically rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Frances Treolar
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Frances Treolar „Gateway B2 Workbook" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway is an academically rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving and u » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2 Teachers Book and Test CD Pack" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway is an academically rich, multi-level general English course designed to lead teenage students » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2 Class Audio CD(set 2 CD uri)" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway stimulates the interest of students and teachers by providing cross-curricular and cultural content » ...mai mult
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Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2 Interactive Classroom DVD Rom" de la editura MACMILLAN For Students To gain access to the Student\\''s area of Gateway Online, an access code is necessary, » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Mike Sayer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Mike Sayer „Gateway B2Plus Teachers Book and Test CD Pack" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway is an academically rich, multi-level general English course designed to lead teenage students » ...mai mult
Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2 Interactive Classroom DVD Rom" de la editura MACMILLAN For Students To gain access to the Student\\''s area of Gateway Online, an access code is necessary, » ...mai mult
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Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
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Autor(i): David Spencer
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului David Spencer „Gateway B2Plus Student Book" de la editura MACMILLAN Gateway is an academically rich, multi-level general English course designed to lead teenage students to success » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Stephen Thompson
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Stephen Thompson „English World 9 Exam Practice Book" de la editura MACMILLAN English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Liz Hocking
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Liz Hocking „English World Level 9 Workbook and CD Rom" de la editura MACMILLAN English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Luke Prodromou
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Luke Prodromou „English World 9 Students Book" de la editura MACMILLAN English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. » ...mai mult
Autor(i): Liz Hocking
Editura: MACMILLAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Liz Hocking „English World 8 Exam Practice Book" de la editura MACMILLAN English World is a visually stunning ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. » ...mai mult
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