• Carti de la, Editura CALLISTO. Carti din domeniul medico-farmaceutic, Cardiologie, Psihofarmacologie, Radiologie, Chirurgie, Atlas de anatomie Netter, Ginecologie, Fiziopatologie, Eletrocardiografie

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Baumann s Cosmetic Dermatology
A Doody's Core Title for 2023! "A concise, well-written, and well-illustrated overview of the topic of cosmetic dermatology that will prove useful to all physicians who care for cosm
1260,00 lei
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Kaplan and Sadock s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment
Now in vibrant full color, Kaplan and Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment, 8th Edition, remains your reference of choice for easy-to-find information on the full spectrum of psychiatric » ...mai mult
472,50 lei
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Miller s Anesthesia, 2-Volume Set
ffering up-to-date coverage of everything from historical and international perspectives to basic science and today’s clinical practice, Miller's Anesthesia, 10th Edition, remains the #1 reference and » ...mai mult
2415,00 lei
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Diagnostic Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set plus eBook
Spanning a wide range of medical specialties and practice settings, Diagnostic Ultrasound, 6th Edition, provides complete, detailed information on the latest techniques for ultrasound imaging of the whole » ...mai mult
1785,00 lei
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Kuby s Immunology, Media Update
Kuby Immunology is supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s online learning system. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for biology » ...mai mult
441,00 lei
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Goodman and Gilman s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
A Doody s Core Title for 2023! The landmark pharmacology reference—updated to reflect the latest research and developments in the field For more t
577,50 lei
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Interventional Cardiology Board Review 1400+ Questions and Answers: Print + eBook with Multimedia
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945,00 lei
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Textbook of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is no stranger to evolution, but even for a field as accustomed to transformation as it is, the last several years have seen a profound shift in its practice—not least because of COVID-19 » ...mai mult
840,00 lei
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Netter s Essential Physiology
Clear, focused, and highly visual, Netter's Essential Physiology, 3rd Edition, uses a concise, clinical approach to help you grasp key concepts quickly and easily. Illustrated by the world-renowned Frank » ...mai mult
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Dermatology: 2-Volume Set
For dermatology residents and trainees, as well as those in clinical practice, Dermatology is the leading reference for understanding, diagnosing, and treating the full spectrum of skin disease—and is » ...mai mult
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Kaplan s Cardiac Anesthesia
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Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac » ...mai mult
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Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review
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The leading board review and recertification study guide, now thoroughly updated. Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review, Second Edition is designed to assist both physi
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The EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting Volumul 2
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Following the success of the first volume of the EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting a second volume with new cases has now been developed. A timely addition to the European Society of » ...mai mult
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The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure
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The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure is the latest addition to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) publications portfolio and is fully supported by the European Heart Failure Association.
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Moore s Clinically Oriented Anatomy International Edition
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Renowned for its comprehensive coverage and engaging, storytelling approach, the bestselling Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 9th Edition, guides students from initial anatomy and foundational science » ...mai mult
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Heptinstall s Pathology of the Kidney
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Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! For nearly 60 years, Heptinstall’s Pathology of the Kidney has been the reference of choice for both pathologists and nephrologists for exp
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Clinical Lipidology, A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
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Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Clinical Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on the therapeutic » ...mai mult
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Anatomic Basis of Neurologic Diagnosis
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Prima editie a primit in 2010 un prestigios premiu de argint IBPA Benjamin Franklin pentru excelenta in publicare O abordare anatomica, orientata catre pacient, a diagnosticului neur
720,30 lei
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Rogers. Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care
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Recunoscut de mult timp ca textul de frunte in acest domeniu dinamic, Manualul Rogers de Terapie Intensiva Pediatrica ofera explicatii cuprinzatoare si clare atat asupra principiilor care stau la baza » ...mai mult
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Rhoton Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches
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Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches este capodopera legendarului neurochirurg Albert L. Rhoton, Jr.—o distilare a 40 de ani de munca pentru, in cuvintele autorului, sa faca procedurile „delicate, » ...mai mult
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Greene s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
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**Selectat pentru Doody's Core Titles® 2024 cu denumirea „Achizitie esentiala” in Medicina Veterinara** Greene’s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, editia a 5-a ofera o referinta cuprinzatoare, » ...mai mult
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Small Animal Critical Care Medicine
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Cea de-a treia editie a resursei dumneavoastra de referinta pentru ingrijirea critica veterinara, Small Animal Critical Care Medicine, a fost actualizata semnificativ pentru a se concentra in mod special » ...mai mult
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McCance and Huether s Pathophysiology, The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children
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Aflati ce, cum si de ce a fiziopatologiei! Cu descrieri aprofundate si usor de citit ale bolii, etiologiei bolii si proceselor bolii, Patofiziologia lui McCance si Huether: Baza biologica a bolii la adulti » ...mai mult
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